Principal's Byte

Building Notification
18th July, 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Term 3. Please click on the image below to view the building notification for both the new school and the temporary school. We hope this information is a help to our community.
Kind regards
Trudy Hopkins
Darcy Road Public School
Welcome to Term 3
18th July, 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Welcome to Term 3. We are so excited to see our beautiful students back at school. What are some things happening in Term 3?
- Mrs Flora Lui-Chan left Darcy Road at the end of Term 2. We will miss Mrs Lui-Chan and the great job she did at our school. Our Stage 3 students were so lovely with all the things they did to farewell her at the end of term.
- Mrs Lui-Chan will be replaced by Ms Isabelle McKinnon. Ms McKinnon has been working at Darcy Road as a final year student teacher. We are so happy to have her join our team.
- Mrs Birks has been promoted to the position of Business Manager. Mrs Birks has been working towards this roll and we are happy to announce her promotion. Mrs Birks title will now be Business Manager.
- I am happy to announce Mrs Farrugia and Mrs Lua have both been successful in achieving the positions of Aspiring Leader. They both will be in the honorary position of Assistant Principal. They will carry the responsibilities and respect of the position of Assistant Principal while they work towards a permanent position as Assistant Principals.
- Our annual Athletics Carnival is next Monday 24th July. The carnival will be held at Binalong Oval. All parents are welcome to attend. Fingers crossed the amazing weather we have been having will happen on the day.
- The week beginning Monday 31st July is Education Week. Watch this space for plans for parents to visit our school and celebrate Education Week. This year we celebrate 175 years of Public Education in NSW.
- Stage 2 are off to Riverside Theater this week. They are off to see the Roald Dahl play The Twits. This will be fantastic fun!
- Next week students in Year 4 who have applied will sit for the Opportunity Class test. All students sitting for the test are expected to be at school every day between now and then.
- Next week Kinder will be celebrating 100 days of Kindergarten. They will have a great day.
What a busy time and that's just the first three weeks of term. We can't wait see all our families at school over the next couple of weeks.
Kind regards
Trudy Hopkins
Darcy Road Public School
Welcome to Term 2
24th April, 2023
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Today teachers have returned to school for Term 2. Today is Staff Development Day or as some people say pupil free day. All staff who work for the NSW Department of Education are participating today in a day focused on learning about Aboriginal Education.
Students return to school ready for learning on Wednesday 26th April. All students are expected at school and in lines ready for 8:55 or 5 to 9. We can't wait to see them.
This week our community has two major celebration/recognition events. The first we would like to say Eid Mubarak to our Muslim community who have been celebrating Eid al-Fitr. We know this has been an important weekend in the lives of many of our families.
Secondly, we will be acknowledging our returned service men and women on ANZAC Day. ANZAC Day is tomorrow - 25th April. Tomorrow is a public holiday across our country in recognition of our ANZACs. Our community will see activities including marches and memorial services in our community and on the media. We will give recognition to our fallen armed service personnel at Darcy Road Public School on Thursday. On Thursday ask your children "What does ANZAC mean?"
We are looking forward to seeing all our students and their families back at school on Wednesday.
Kind regards
Trudy Hopkin
Darcy Road public School
Temporary School Site
Installation of Fencing
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As our community will know by now work has begun on our temporary school site. Over the weekend the fences were built that will keep us all safe while the construction of the temporary school takes place. The temporary school includes classrooms, the administration office, the library and the computer lab. The playground has been reduced but we are still able to implement all our programs which includes school sport, Sports in Schools, Auskick, PE and any other activities we run in the school grounds.
We still ask that all pedestrians walking to school use the Olive Street gate. We still ask families not to drive in Olive Street. There is plenty of space on the path at the Olive Street gate. All gates are supervised by teachers before and after school. Now we have seen the new fence we can see that we can continue to have Kinder parents collect their children from Gate 5.
After today we have seen our students using the space in our playground. We need to plan how to use the spaces. In the interim we ask that students don't bring soccer balls and cricket bats to school. We lost soccer balls over the neighboring fences today. We need to ensure the safety of all students before we can confirm cricket.
It's so exciting that our building project is starting at last.
I hope this information is a help to everyone.
Kind regards
Trudy Hopkins
Darcy Road Public School