08 Oct 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers
This message is temporary school information number 2. This story is about access to the school.
How does the community access the school?
The main access to the school will be via Olive Street. There is a new school gate that the community will use to access the school.
What other access is there?
- Gate 1 is on Darcy Road. This will be a new school gate. This gate will be open in the morning and after school so students can use Kiss and Ride and catch the bus. This gate will be locked outside those times.
- Gate 2 is the teachers car park on Olive Street. No community members are permitted to use this gate.
- Gate 3 is the old gate 4 on olive Street. This gate leads to the school hall and some classrooms. This gate will be open in the morning and after school. It will be locked during the day. This is the gate to access Before and After School Care.
- Gate 4 is a new gate on Olive Street. This gate gives our community access to the school administration building. This gate will be open all day.
- Gate 5 is the same as always. This is the gate at the bend in Olive Street. It will be open in the morning and afternoon and will be locked during the day.
All gates will be sign posted. Families can always access the new Gate 4 to come to the office.
I hope this information is a help to everyone.
Kind regards
Trudy Hopkins
Darcy Road Public School